August 13, 2021

Love Live Collab Event Part 2

 I'm On Part 3 Of The Story "Otonokizaka Quest"

Love Live Items And Powers List

  • Nico's Pink Love Live Light
  • Honoka's Orange Love Live Light
  • Fight!
  • Nico Nico Nii!

Story Part 3:

Honoka: Urgh... But...

Rin: Of course we don't! None of us have ever seen real yokai before

Eli: It definitely sounded like they were saying "μ's

Nozomi: I wonder how they know about us

Eli: ...
Nico: What's with Eli? She looks really upset...
Nico: Eli?
Nozomi: Squeeze!
Eli: Eek!
Nozomi: Squeeeeze...
Squeezing you never disappoints, Eli-chi.
Eli: N-N-Nozomi! Where do you think you're touching!
Nozomi: Huh? I was just trying to help you relax.
Eli: I don't think you know what that word means...
Nozomi: What's got you so worried, Eli-chi?
Eli: Huh?
Nozomi: I don't need fortune-telling to know you're feeling anxious. It's written all over your face.
Eli: ...
Eli: I was just realizing how completely different this world is from ours.
Nozomi: You've got that right. It's full of dangers like monsters and yokai.
Nozomi: But we're safe as long as (Captain) and the crew are with us. Isn't that right?
Eli: ...
Nozomi: You know that, but you're still worried. And you're conflicted about whether or not to talk to (Captain) about it, right?
Eli: What?
Nozomi: The captain seems really busy, and a conversation like that would take a lot of time, so you're at a loss for what to do.
Nozomi: Does that about cover it, Eli-chi?
Eli: Sheesh... You see right through me.
Nozomi: Of course I do. I'm your vice president after all.
Nozomi: Now then, what do you say we go talk to (Captain) together?
Eli: Why should you have to be dragged along?
Nozomi: It's the vice president's job to accompany you when you have to make a difficult request.
Eli: Okay, I'll take you up on your offer. Thanks.
Nozomi: Don't mention it.
The pair is spotted by Nico, who watches from around the corner.
Nico: Hmph... What are those two whispering about?
Maki: Hang on, Honoka! What do you mean we're not performing in the joint concert?
Rin: Yeah! We went to all that trouble gathering people from Tenacie—it's gonna be super exciting!
Hanayo: W-wait, you two... Let's hear what Honoka has to say, okay?
Honoka: Well... I mean... If we perform, that means those yokai are going to show up again, right?
Umi: Maki, Rin. Try to understand that this is a very difficult decision for Honoka to make.
Maki: I know, but still!
Aina: We still don't understand how you and those monsters are connected.
Aina: The only thing we know is that they say μ's when they attack. That's why...
Maki: Why what?
Aina: If people found out that you were connected to those monsters, I can only imagine the rumors that would spread.
Umi: In the worst case, people might think we're traveling to islands conducting ceremonies to summon monsters.
Honoka: And then the people of Tenacie might give up on being school idols, even though they've finally cheered up.
Maki & Rin: ...
Kotori: But Honoka says there are still things we can do even We Can Perform In Flag Town
Kotori: I can help with the costumes, and Umi and Maki can write the songs, right?
Kotori: And we can all work together to design a stage that will let everyone shine at their brightest!
Hanayo: If we're going to make this show exciting, it can't be like a street concert—we'll need a real stage!
Honoka: That's right. I was thinking we could help out with stuff like that instead of performing.
Maki & Rin: ...
Maki: Ugh, I don't understand!
Rin: We already came up with a setlist and everything!
Hanayo: I-I understand where you two are coming from. But Umi's right—it would be dangerous...
Maki: I know that. But I can't accept things the way they are now.
Rin: Stupid primal beasts—why do they have to get in our way?

Nico: Maki, what's wrong?
Maki: W-well, I can't just sit around and make her protect me all the time!
Maki: There has to be something I can do for her sake!

Maki: W-well, I can't just sit around and make her protect me all the time!
Maki: There has to be something I can do for her sake

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