July 30, 2023

Some More Ad Controversies!

 Here Are More Ad Controversies!

  • In 2013, Cheerios released an ad that featured an interracial family. Unfortunately, the ad became less known for its content and more known for the racist comments it received.
  • Discussions of the marketing for The Emoji Movie will almost inevitably gravitate towards an infamous promotional tweet that parodied The Handmaid's Tale, a TV show about slavery. Needless to say, referencing something like that while trying to advertise a movie for children provoked significant ire.
  • Just For Feet was a growing shoe retailer that distinguished itself with basketball courts inside stores, an in-store snack bar, in-store appearances by professional athletes, and a large clearance section among others. Nowadays, however, they are known for being taken down by a Super Bowl commercial accused of being racist and insensitive. The ad, alongside accusations of accounting fraud, helped bankrupt the company, which collapsed not too long afterward, and it's all that they're known for now. See it here
  • McDonald's:
    • This upbeat advertisement from when they used the "We love to see you smile" slogan is pretty unremarkable and would be almost completely forgotten today... except that it was the last commercial shown before 9/11 Even Started
    • McDonalds's former mascot "Mac Tonight" has become better known today for the unofficial parody of the character known as "Moon Man", which depicts him as an advocate for white supremacy and bigotry to the point that the meme was declared a symbol by the Anti-Defamation League in 2019, a far cry from the original Bobby Darin-impersonating moon in TV spots from The '80s.
    • Texas mattress chain Miracle Mattress is nowadays better known for the 9/11 sale commercial that Destroyed their business than anything else they've done. The commercial, depicting the chain owner's daughter accidentally knocking over two men who crash into two tall stacks of mattresses, went viral and got major backlash over its poor taste. A few days after Apologies from the company stating it wasn't their intention to offend,  the company announced its stores were closing down. A few days later, it was announced they would reopen their stores under new employees and management.

Well, I Have Found Some Little Facts About Ad Controversies, Hope You Enjoy Them!

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