August 26, 2023

Here’s Some Weird Commercials!

 Here Are Some Weird Ads That I Found! Hope You Enjoy These Weird Ads!

From a similar product, there was Enzyte's (in)famous "Smiling Bob" commercials. They typically consisted of said Smiling Bob putting on an exaggerated smile, doing various random things. A narrator carries the advertisement, explaining just what the product does and why Bob is smiling. Take him away, though, and it's just some lunatic with a smile that looks like he was the victim of a back alley Botox treatment and driving a car or staring at random things. At the end of the day, more people knew of Bob more than the product he tried to sell, to the point where he became a Memetic Mutation

  • The PSP got a similar treatment with these squirrels
  • A Japanese McDonald's ad featured a girl having a Mirror Match with herself. The commercial alternates between a video game style and real life where the two girls just smash their heads together.
  • In Australia, there was a few ads that were made intentionally boring by showing one scene of someone smoking. The scene was actually probably less than a minute long but seemed like 3 minutes. In the end, we got the text "Smoking is very interesting". This is unusual for Australian PSAs because most of our PSAs tend to be a tad more complicated 
  • This commercial is filled with extremely cute little bunnies doing extremely cute things at an old-style fair while music plays. As we see a pair of them rising up in a hot air balloon, a neon sign comes swings down from the sky and hits their balloon. It reads "SWEET MILLION IS SWEETER THAN SWEET", and then another which says, "WHICH IS SWEET" crashes into the first one. Yes, this sickeningly sweet commercial was made to sell lottery tickets.
  • This ad for the Game Boy Pocket has little to do with the actual product. Instead, for a good 30 seconds, we are treated to miniature people doing weird stunts and stuff in or on ordinary household items, including a bunch of hipstersswimming in a jar of alcohol swabs. Not until the end do we actually hear the name of the product as "NEW GAME BOY POCKET". The mixed song in the background also includes samples from the very ad itself.
  • Boxman, a short-lived early British online music and video retailer, failed largely because its adverts, showing a suited man with a cardboard box over his head dropped into random scenes, completely failed to explain what it was.
  • Barclays Bank adverts, which illustrate savings accounts through coin gardens and piles of singing banknotes, and mortgages through herding piggybanks or operating a railway handcar. The humorous voiceover often seems as bemused as the audience ("Is the squirrel relevant?").
  • A group of giant rapping hamsters would like you to know that a Kia is better to drive than a toaster.
  • Mayflower Moving will help anyone with their moving needs. Even if you are a 20-foot tall puppet.
  • Just for Feet, a sneaker company, hired an ad firm to design a commercial for the Super Bowl. The ad in question featured a Kenyan runner getting hunted down and "tagged" by white scientists with a pair of sneakers. Setting aside the weird-ass nature and Just for Feet was so pissed off by the ad that they brought suit against the ad firm.
  • This Japanese series of commercials featured six dancing cat women covered from top to bottom in latex. They would reveal the celebrity in one of the suits, while asking the viewer to guess the next one. If this campaign doesn't convince you to go see a boat race, we don't know what will.
  • This TV ad for Quizno's subs, featuring singing... rodent pirate zombies.
  • GEICO are the masters of this, to the point where they have their own page. How a gecko, cavemen, a camel yelling "Hump Day!", a pig going "Wheeeee!", a stalker wad of bills with googly-eyes glued to it.
  • Parodied by a 2009 advert for Tesco's mobile phones, in which artistically-shot people say what they want from a mobile phone network in terms of Meaningless Meaningful Words like "We want to live in a world where we communicate with everybody ... and nobody", before it ends with the dramatic music stopping dead, as the last person says "To be honest with you, I'd rather live in a world where people stopped talking nonsense", and explained what Tesco Mobile was actually offering.
  • Facebook's infamous "Chairs" ad, which features a narrator comparing chairs to Facebook and then rattling off a series of random items vaguely related to sharing.
  • In 1993 Coca-Cola launched a soda called "OK Soda", and discontinued it 2 years later. The marketing was deliberately cynical and surreal, to the point of intentionally trying to attract negative publicity
  • The early TV adverts for Eurostar trains through the Channel Tunnel failed to explain the nature of the business coherently, leading to people turning up at the terminal in central London expecting to drive their cars onto the train
  • There is this commercial for the Mini Cooper where the car drives into a parking lot and was attacked by living shopping trolleys.

"Suzi Van Zoom" from McDonald's involves a girl riding a bicycle to the titular restaurant... and that's all you get, she rides through a bunch of surreal jungle landscapes picking up animals on her way to McDonald's while it's filmed in surreal claymation and moving so fast your brain will explode trying to figure out what the heck is going on with this…

That’s All For The Weirdest Ads That I Saw!, I Hope I Can Find More Weird Ads!

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