August 27, 2023

Weird Ads That Are So Weird, That You Just Had To See Them!

 Hello, It Is Time To Get Weird, With Some Weird Ads! They Are So Weird, That You Just Have To Watch Them!

  • Bob's Discount Furniture is a major furniture chain with locations throughout the Northeast US, as far south as northern Virginia. Every single one of their commercials, however, is done in the style of a Kitschy Local CommercialEvery single one. And they're far from the only big retail company to do this; Jewelry Exchange has retreaded the same commercial for years, rerecording only the location of the local branch for each market, complete with robotic waving from the staff of one of their stores (which one? no one knows).
  • "I've got something for YOU!" If you lived in the Chicago area in the 90's, you saw this ad for Eagle Insurance. You thought it was the cheapest thing ever. And yet, admit it, you just couldn't hate it. Everything about it, from the ridiculous scenario to the cheap costume to the utter Dull Surprise of the women saying "Wow, look at those low rates!", is wonderful. It has a sequel, too.
  • This commercial for East Hills Mall features beatboxing and singing by people who clearly are not trained in either of those things. The result is hilarious awkwardness.
    "Get yourself an outfit!"
    • This ad for FarmersOnly has terrible voice acting and below-amateur editing. FarmersOnly is infamous for their cheesy ads, but this one just has to be Stylistic Suck, right?
    • This ad, which Lindsay Lohan did for a clothing company called Fornarina. Lindsay is absolutely robotic, the effects are cheesy, and the whole thing looks like where the Eighties went to die.
    • The infamous 80s Freak Phone ad starring Freddie Freaker, a T-posing yellow goblin puppet that awkwardly "dances" (read: jiggles about a bit) in front of a starry background while a cheesy song makes him out to be the next big craze and urges you to call "1900-490-FREAK", all while never explaining what the Freak Phone hotline is and why you should call it. It's so bizarre that it almost feels like some kind of parody ad that you'd see in a movie or TV show.
    • The somewhat infamous Frosties Kid advert, where the writers desperately tried to find words rhyming with "great". This leads to lines like "Even ladies who wait, or a pi-rate!" Also worth noting is the ridiculous dance moves at the end, all while the kid starts flying for no reason.
    • The General car insurance commercials. With their bad CGI effects, poor blue screen, catchy tunes, weird actors, and the out of place penguin you can't help but have an odd affinity for the company.
    • GO COMPAAAAARE! An old man singing opera on an insurance comparison site. Many, many, many variants have been made, including ones that involve the man being injured in various ways.
    • HeadOn: Despite being one of the worst commercials ever made, to this day hearing the phrase "head on" makes many people think "apply directly to the forehead". For context, HeadOn was a placebo, meaning they couldn't legally advertise it as a cure and didn't want to admit what it actually was, leading to a short commercial that simply repeated the product name and what to do with it. That, ladies and gentlemen, is a perfect example of brainwashing.
    • JT Chrysler, a car dealership in South Carolina, parodies Despicable Me as Deal-Tastic Me, with the owner's body hilariously warped into the shape of Gru's. Even among car dealer commercials, this one is really special. It went viral pretty much overnight.
    • This commercial for Lanacane anti-itch gel. The rapidly-speeding-up-to-chipmunk voice is ridiculous enough, but then the musical cue hits— and it's one that should be familiar to any Mac user who's toyed with the built-in loops in iMovie.
    • The ads for the mobile puzzle game Lily's Garden features  the titular character going through a soap opera-esque themes Absolutely none of it has anything to do with the actual game, other than the characters involved. Naturally, people made them a meme.
    • Two words. Baby. Bullet. Combine with horrible acting out of Sharknado, and you get the worst baby food commercial ever.
    • This ad for The Money Shop is full of mistimed and/or muggy reactions of people strapped for cash in accidents. AAAUGHH!
    • This M&Ms commercial. The cheap CGI, the chipmunk-like voices, the Off-Model-ness (for starters, Red is sphere-shaped in this commercial, when normally, he's supposed to be a flat circle like a milk chocolate M&M), and if you pause during the scene where Red and Yellow's eyes pop out of their heads, you can see that Red's eye sockets are blank white holes.
    • This book trailer for Perfect Chemistry has actors awkwardly dancing against a green screen and performing an utterly terrible rap. Again, for a book.
    • Quiznos commercials have cats singing off-key about sandwiches. It's clearly trying to emulate older internet videos, but it's both too professional and too lazy.
    • The launch ads for Splatoon quickly attained Memetic Mutation status for their cheesiness and earworm music. "YOU'RE A KID NOW! YOU'RE A SQUID NOW!"
    • The Burger King commercials involved with Twilight (especially the toy commercial for Eclipse) can qualify. There is an ad where a father (who is a middle aged man) is engaging in a debate with his children over whether "Team Edward" or "Team Jacob" is better, while demonstrating with the toy prizes from the meal. Then an old lady sprints by, steals the toys, and screams "Team Jacooooooob!" at the top of her lungs.
    • CONTACTS might have made one of the most overly hammy advertisements ever. With acting that doesn't chew the scenery as much as it feasts on it, lines like "I have special eyes", and presented like a an ad for a more serious product, it's glorious.
    • Goooooo Yaffa! The announcer somehow manages to both over- and under-emote while pitching this incredibly cheap-looking plastic furniture.
    • This funny commercial for shoes tells you how to solve the extremely annoying problem of constantly being mugged on a slippery sidewalk. Ever so important to remember during the winter.
    • This ad for a Chia Pet of Barrack Obama's head, which is delivered without a hint of irony despite the silly product. Hearing the line "Your Chia Obama is a symbol of liberty, opportunity, prosperity, and hope." in total deadpan will almost certainly make you crack up.
    • This commercial for Sakura-Con 2009 consisting of stereotypical anime fans at a sushi restaurant.
    • From the same city that brought you "GIRUGAMESH!", now comes SHAG (Senior Housing Assistance Group) complete with old people badly miming to the jingle.
    • This ad for Taiyou Con in Mesa, Arizona attempts to parody the Flea Market Montgomery ad by combining the even worse rapping with laughably bad green screen effects, managing to outdo Sakura-Con in laughably bad promotion for an anime convention.
    • Take a look-see at this commercial for Yummy Buffet, which uses a Synthetic Voice Actor, of all things, whose narration is written in an overly informal way that comes across as awkward when combined with the Text-To-Speech's robotic tone ("Woo. Is this Beijing duck?" "Would you still have room for some desert?") and strangely sad music (which ends up becoming loud enough to drown out the speech near the end). Accent Upon The Wrong SyllableSpecial Effects Failure and Stock Footage ahoy!
    • The infamous Grubhub ad with rounded, balloon-y CGI characters dancing awkwardly to celebrate getting food delivered. It looks like what you'd get if you took every lame attempt to be "hip" in every bad animated children's movie of the last decade, tossed them in a pot with every lame attempt to be "cute", and then boiled them all down into syrup. Naturally, it's achieved memetic status.

And, That All, Please Enjoy These Weird Ads!

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