February 18, 2024

My Father's Company And My Social Media...

 My Father's Company, Seaway Entertainment, Is Having A Controversy Right Now, They Refused To Release An Anime On DVD/Blu-Ray That Was Deemed Too "Adult", Now, My Twitter Is Filled With Posts From Seaway's Controversy, And When I Read These Posts, It Gives Me A Depression Attack, And It Has Been Happening Since Last Friday, I Have Decided To Spread The World With A Post That I Retweeted, Then My Dad Was Shocked With Posts From Seaway's Incident That Were On His Facebook, Now, My Mental Health Is Affecting My Father's Future Of The Company...

I Hope This Post Can Bring Awareness To My Dad, His Company And My Twitter!, If You Have Mental Issues/Parents Who Work At Companies, Please Support My Dad And His Company!

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