April 26, 2024

Oh No, It's The Weekend, Gotta Do Something With A Family Member!

Tomorrow, It's The Weekend, And My Mom Is Taking Me And My Siblings To My Aunt's House, She Said She Is Helping My Aunt Sell Stuff...

I Already Had Some Stuff Getting Ready To Be Sold, Asuka Is Going To Sell Art Pieces That She Made... That's Exciting!

Also, I'm Going To Have Fun At My Aunt's House, Also I Still Think About The Story That My Aunt's House Used To Have Cable, But My Aunt Cut It Because It Costed Too Much Money, And Now She Uses Streaming Services To Watch Stuff...

I Still Have Pictures Of My Aunt's TV On My Phone, How Weird..., Also These Images Were From Months Back, And Taken In My Aunt's Living Room... 

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