June 15, 2024

Becker And Scott Storytime Because Who Cares For A Story With The Denoga Siblings!

Hey Guys, This Is A Story About Becker And Scott From Hailey's On It, Who Cares For A Story About The 2 Denoga Siblings! 

Scott rushed to his sister’s room after hearing a loud noise coming from it. He hoped she hadn’t gone too far and hurt herself. He pushed the door without knocking.

Becker was standing in the middle of the room, looking at a broken machine on the floor. Scott had no idea what it was.

“Are you okay sis?” he asked, more shaken than her.

She turned around, looking a little angry. “Scott, how many times do I have to tell you to STAY OUT OF MY ROOM.”

Becker’s face reddened. “OUT!” She yelled while she pushed him towards the door, slamming it in his face once he was back in the corridor.

Scott shrugged, wondering why her reaction had been so strong. It was to be expected though, she had been very clear about him not entering her room without being invited.

He went on with his day, continuing his book about dinosaurs, and the altercation he had with his sister quickly disappeared from his mind. When, a while later, he received a text from Becker, he didn’t think it was related.

Can you come for a sec?

A little annoyed to have to stop his discovery of the great Sinraptor, he leaved his room and went once again to his sister’s. At least now, he was invited.

When he knocked on the door, Becker only answered after a long silence. He walked in.

The weird machine was no longer in the middle of the room, nor was Becker. She was sitting on the side of her bed, in the same clothes as before.

“Did you want my help with something?” Scott asked.

“I want answers.”

“About what? I can probably help you with your homework, especially if it’s about dino-”

“That’s not what I mean,” she cut him, and sighed. “Earlier. Were you checking me out?”

Scott became more confused. “I… went to check on you because I heard a loud noise? Yeah?”

“Uh, I guess?”

Becker paused, her face slightly blushing, not sure what to say next.

“Do you want me to apologize for that?” Scott asked her, a little worried he had hurt his sister. Since she didn’t answer, he continued. “Look, I didn’t really do it on purpose, my eyes just wander and you were in the middle of the room, and…”

“It’s fine,” Becker said suddenly. “I’m not mad or anything, I just wanted to make sure of something.”

An awkward silence followed. Scott was standing in the middle of Becker’s room, wondering what the point of the discussion was, and Becker was trying to understand how much he was aware about all of this.

Becker was breathing loudly.

“Are you okay?” Scott asked, suddenly realizing his sister looked unwell.

“Yes,” she answered immediately. “Actually, no.”

She fell back on the bed, placing her hands on her face, as if she tried to make the redness disappear.

Becker’s heart was beating at full speed. She had no idea where this was going, and Scott made everything so much harder.

He looked at her, frowning, until something miraculously clicked in his brain. “Oh, so it means you’re excited?”

Becker rolled her eyes again, trying to get her heartbeat under control.

“Did I… cause this?”

Becker would probably have stopped here if she was thinking, but she didn’t want to think. This had gone too far to start thinking now. “I guess it does.”

“Should I leave you alone then?”

“… No. Stay.”

The End, A Rina-Chan Board Story, If You Like This Story And Will Like The Full Version, Click On This Link!


Good Story About A Sibling Relationship!

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