June 11, 2024

Had A Depression Attack, Goodbye, To Myself After A Long Day...

Hi...I...I Had A Depression Attack...I Felt Tears In My Eyes...I Felt I Was Going To Cry...I Cried...I Want To Ran Away...I Want To Hide Myself Withtin The Shadows, And I Want To Dissapear...

Mom, Dad, Siblings...Sorry That I Have To Cry... This Is About Goodbye...Sorry That I Have To Comfort Myself...Bye... 

☹ -- Farewell, Life...


  1. Hi, I'm Sanjuna Inai, Sorry About Your Tragic Story, I'm A Depression Survivor Also, I Have Been Suffering From Depression Since I Was 5 Year Old, I Live With My Younger Sister Sanju, Who Does Not Have Depression, Can I Offer You Some Advice?, Where Did You Find Something That Made You Cry?, Mine Was A Sad Story...What's Yours?

    1. It Was A Sad Story, I Think It Was Called "Hana No Yoru No Miral" It Means "Flower Night Mirror" It's A Story About A Girl Who Has A Depression Who Had When She Was Younger, Leading To Her Being In A Depression Shelter, At The End, She Ran Away...

    2. Oh, I Have Heard Of This Story! It Was So Sad, The Last Part Made Me So Sad!

    3. Who Are You?

    4. Rina-Chan Board...

    5. Listening To Music, It Makes Me Feel Better...

    6. Thank You Rina-Chan Board, I Know I Love Music So Much, Listening To Happy Music Makes Me Feel Good!

  2. Well, Rina-Chan, We Both Have Depression, And We Met Each Other Trough The Comments Section!, I Hope You Go Well!


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