June 08, 2024

Hey Guys, Time To Get Scary!, It's Super Funny And Scary!


  • Black Licorice, from the Nickelodeon Clickamajigs, initially presents itself as a cute little game with you handing out candies to costumed children with stock image faces. However, there is an ominous warning before the game starts: "Whatever you do, don't stick those kids with that nasty old black licorice left over from last Halloween." However, the children do not leave until you give one of them a piece of black licorice. When that happens, the cheerful music stops. The child you gave it to then asks "Black licorice?" before a Scare Chord is heard. The child then yells "I DON'T LIKE BLACK LICORICE!" in a loud, distorted voice, while their face turns demonic and screams fill the background. The door then slams, before the game loops.
    • Using the "Send," option in the game to send the game to someone else presents a more straightforward example. The game opens up with a different warning: "Hey, (recipient). Whatever you do, DON'T OPEN THE DOOR! I'm serious. Your pal, (sender)." Proceeding onwards anyway causes the game to start up again as usual, but the pieces of black licorice are missing. After you give the children a few pieces of candy, the door closes. After a moment, one of the children opens up the mail slot, and says "Oh yeah! I almost forgot!" Cue the child bursting through the door and turning demonic, while screaming "HAPPY HALLOWEEN!" with those same screams. The animation then ends with demonic laughter, before it takes the recipient to the "Send," menu.

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