August 11, 2023

Funny Cartoon Moments!

 Here’s Some Funny Cartoon Moments!, And As I Said, Some Are Funny…

  • Rugrats:
    • In "Give and Take" Chuckie can't stop playing with Boppo. When the others tire of watching, they leave Chuckie with the toy. Phil comments, "A kid his age should be outside playing with his friends, not sitting alone in his room bopping his Boppo." Lil adds that her brother is right that Chuckie has a problem.
    • "The Trial" is already a parody of courtroom films, but the clincher comes at the end when Angelica is found out as the perpetrator, and Didi and Betty go and punish her. As she's dragged away, she screams "No! Not the chair! NOT THE CHAIR!" She is forced to sit in a high chair until her father comes back.
    • The episode "Cradle Attraction" has Chuckie and a girl named Megan discover that they love being mean to each other, and throughout the episode, that's how they show affection towards one another. Near the end of the episode, Chuckie goes to find Megan and "put a worm in her hair," but can't figure out where she went. He walks up behind her, and sees her poking another boy with a tree branch (which is how she first showed that she likes Chuckie). Chuckie is appalled and runs away, screaming "Megan, how could you?!" while Megan shouts "Wait, it's not what it looks like!" Phil even comments "You'd think if she was gonna pick on another kid, at least she'd stop picking on you first."
    • In "Weaning Tommy" Didi and Stu try to take Tommy off the bottle and have him drink out of a sippy-cup instead. In the middle of the episode, Phil and Lil are visiting and drinking out of their bottles, while Tommy is missing his bottle and has bags under his eyes. The first thing he says to them: “Phil, Lil...I need a drink.” He also offers whatever toys and books he has in his playpen just to share a bottle with one of them.
    • The Rocko's Modern Life episode "Closet Clown" was confirmed to be an allegory for closeted homosexuals: It involves Ed Bighead having a closeted fascination with clowns. He sneaks a clown nose into his briefcase, then at work unwinds by locking the restroom door and "honking". His boss catches him, then reveals that he too is a secret clown, and welcomes Ed into the underground clown scene. His friends and family are surprised at his double life, but they accept him in the end... Until Rocko reveals he likes rainbows. Then his friends get out the torches and pitchforks
  • SpongeBob SquarePants:
    • "Dumped", where SpongeBob is heartbroken after Gary (his pet snail) leaves him for Patrick is treated as if SpongeBob and Gary had a relationship.
  • Teen Titans Go! has a scene in "Caged Tiger" where Beast Boy wets himself in a stopped elevator. The sounds he makes when he relieves himself tend to sound like those made by a different bodily function.
  • In the Pinky and the Brain episode "Brinky", The Brain attempts to clone himself, which almost works until Pinky's DNA (from a clipped toenail) accidentally gets combined with Brain's, thus essentially making them parents of the resulting clone (and Pinky calling himself the clone's "mommy"). Most of the dialogue during the cloning process is scripted like an actual birth: for example, when the door on the cloning machine won't close (which is the reason Pinky's DNA is even in there), the Brain tells Pinky to help him "push", complete with Pinky doing Lamaze breathing

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